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Ys Wiki

By Location[]


# Image Name Stats Description
1 Ys3-Guff Guff LV: 1
HP: 42
Str: 42
Def: 40
Gold: 1
Exp: 5
A creature which roams the roads of Felghana. Once a mere feral dog, the ongoing disaster has made it vicious. Always hunts in a pack.
2 Ys3-Riez Riez LV: 2
HP: 67
Str: 44
Def: 44
Gold: 1
Exp: 8
A wildflower that grows along the roads. Its origins are unknown, but it attacks humans that get too close. Approaching is not recommended.
Note: After Clock Tower
22 Ys3-Queguff Queguff LV: 17
HP: 205
Str: 121
Def: 109
Gold: 9
Exp: 143
A guff turned feral by the ongoing disaster. Wishes only to maim and kill. Strong, but easily defeated with a steady attack.
23 Ys3-Deriez Deriez LV: 17
HP: 160
Str: 125
Def: 109
Gold: 10
Exp: 145
A more powerful riez. Thought to have malicious will due to its frantic spreading of toxic seeds. Grows back after being cut down.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Tigray Quarry[]

# Image Name Stats Description
3 Ys3-Picmole Picmole LV: 2
HP: 47
Str: 46
Def: 31
Gold: 1
Exp: 17
A type of bee that's grown large and aggressive. Due to its weight, it can only fly at low altitudes.
4 Ys3-Gulms Gulms LV: 3
HP: 52
Str: 50
Def: 50
Gold: 2
Exp: 24
An arachnid which waits on the ceiling for prey to pass below, then attacks with threads of poisonous silk.
5 Ys3-Kayron Kayron LV: 4
HP: 57
Str: 48
Def: 44
Gold: 2
Exp: 33
A bat corrupted by evil influences. Randomly emits ultrasonic waves, as it's virtually blind without them.
6 Ys3-Radel Radel LV: 5
HP: 88
Str: 58
Def: 59
Gold: 3
Exp: 40
A goblin most often seen wielding a club, which it swings with intense force. Once its target's been chosen, a chase to the death commences.
7 Ys3-Mozuk Mozuk LV: 6
HP: 113
Str: 68
Def: 61
Gold: 4
Exp: 65
A large beetle with an extremely*Hard exo-skeleton that deflects sword attacks remarkably well, but melts readily when exposed to flame.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Illburn Ruins[]

# Image Name Stats Description
8 Ys3-Fazle Fazle LV: 6
HP: 111
Str: 75
Def: 63
Gold: 5
Exp: 65
A type of owl commonly found outside the ruins. Has become active in the daytime, swooping to attack prey with its razor-sharp talons.
9 Ys3-Sigled Sigled LV: 7
HP: 154
Str: 81
Def: 65
Gold: 6
Exp: 75
Member of a wolf tribe skilled in whip combat and tactical maneuvers. Seems to share its genus with guffs, but strongly denies any relation.
10 Ys3-Eager Eager LV: 8
HP: 82
Str: 81
Def: 75
Gold: 5
Exp: 85
Flying head brought back from the under-world. Completely immune to fire. When defeated, its body detonates with concussive force.
11 Ys3-Seean Seean LV: 9
HP: 97
Str: 81
Def: 72
Gold: 4
Exp: 95
A relatively weak sorcerer. Teleports to confuse foes, then fires bolts of magical energy. Most vulnerable right after reappearing.
12 Ys3-Gulg Gulg LV: 10
HP: 123
Str: 89
Def: 82
Gold: 7
Exp: 105
A land crab with large, scissorlike pincers. Can only be struck from behind or above. Its meat is a delicacy, but few live to sample it.
13 Ys3-Diegled Diegled LV: 11
HP: 154
Str: 95
Def: 89
Gold: 7
Exp: 115
A higher rank of sigled. Agile and extremely skilled with the whip, but terrible at melee combat. Never bites, despite its sharp fangs.
14 Ys3-Barl Barl LV: 11
HP: 121
Str: 91
Def: 80
Gold: 6
Exp: 115
A cyclopic monster from the underworld. Pounces mercilessly on its prey, but because its vision is limited, it's easy to take by surprise.
15 Ys3-Sizarian Sizarian LV: 12
HP: 115
Str: 90
Def: 87
Gold: 8
Exp: 121
A high-ranking sorcerer that attacks by firing three blasts of energy in a scattered pattern. Looks down on seeans as inferior mages.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Zone of Lava[]

# Image Name Stats Description
16 Ys3-Zown Zown LV: 13
HP: 167
Str: 101
Def: 81
Gold: 8
Exp: 122
The clown of the monster world, its body contorts with gas pressure like a balloon. Its hollow eye, however, has been known to make onlookers ill.
17 Ys3-Zual Zual LV: 13
HP: 121
Str: 103
Def: 78
Gold: 8
Exp: 124
Predominantly a carrion-eater, the zual will persistently attack anything that looks edible. No one knows why it lives underground.
18 Ys3-Almenger Almenger LV: 14
HP: 162
Str: 104
Def: 100
Gold: 8
Exp: 122
Once a docile creature that used its shell only for defense, it now attacks with a ferocious charge-- sometimes wholly at random!
19 Ys3-Gewme Gewme LV: 15
HP: 175
Str: 105
Def: 93
Gold: 9
Exp: 131
Completely immobile, but spews explosive projectiles when approached. Attacking from afar with the Ignis Bracelet is highly recommended.
20 Ys3-Mozgouz Mozgouz LV: 16
HP: 117
Str: 104
Def: 104
Gold: 3
Exp: 29
A miniature mozuk which has adapted to high temperatures. Extremely temperamental, and will form a mob to attack intruders on its turf.
21 Ys3-Kelzarl Kelzarl LV: 17
HP: 172
Str: 108
Def: 119
Gold: 10
Exp: 153
A full-grown zual. It continually emits fire from its body, scorching its surroundings. No one knows how it survives its own deadly inferno.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Abandoned Mine[]

# Image Name Stats Description
24 Ys3-Fozen Fozen LV: 18
HP: 185
Str: 125
Def: 117
Gold: 10
Exp: 156
A mitotic slime. Reproduces asexually, often creating a sudden increase in numbers. And despite separating, it continues to act as one.
25 Ys3-Robal Robal LV: 18
HP: 213
Str: 134
Def: 102
Gold: 11
Exp: 156
A mutated insect-eating plant that captures prey in its tentacles. Relies on ground vibrations to sense movement, so is best struck from above.
26 Ys3-Geld Geld LV: 19
HP: 186
Str: 128
Def: 132
Gold: 10
Exp: 165
A gore-loving ogre with greatly honed night vision. Attacks with razor-sharp claws that can tear right through a wooden shield.
27 Ys3-Barlen Barlen LV: 21
HP: 168
Str: 135
Def: 130
Gold: 12
Exp: 182
A flying jellyfish-like creature. Attacks from above with electricity. Shares basic structure with fozens; may be from the same genus.
28 Ys3-Duradel Duradel LV: 21
HP: 264
Str: 1335
Def: 130
Gold: 13
Exp: 188
A powered-up radel. Strikes the ground*Hard enough to trigger an earthquake. Becomes completely enraged when injured.
29 Ys3-Gel-Grad Gel-Grad LV: 22
HP: 207
Str: 140
Def: 130
Gold: 14
Exp: 204
A subspecies of geld. Able to camouflage itself in the dark, and when found, attacks with its claws. Pursues its prey endlessly.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Elderm Mountains[]

# Image Name Stats Description
30 Ys3-Kradel Kradel LV: 23
HP: 246
Str: 146
Def: 147
Gold: 22
Exp: 206
A subspecies of radel which has adapted to the cold. Unintelligent, but prides its warrior status, and often fights with its radel cousins.
31 Ys3-Jigel Jigel LV: 24
HP: 156
Str: 149
Def: 125
Gold: 20
Exp: 146
A mud wasp that's adapted to the cold. Carries its prey back to its nest, preserving the meat for later consumption.
32 Ys3-Halick Halick LV: 24
HP: 180
Str: 149
Def: 132
Gold: 24
Exp: 226
A burrower that leaps up from the ground when it senses prey nearby. On close inspection, its tail can be seen protruding from the soil.
33 Ys3-Zolmie Zolmie LV: 25
HP: 352
Str: 154
Def: 150
Gold: 28
Exp: 223
A plant which throws its thorned leaves out like boomerangs. May simply be mimicking observed behavior. Rumored to be extremely delicious.
34 Ys3-Pashhow Pashhow LV: 25
HP: 228
Str: 151
Def: 129
Gold: 3
Exp: 227
A perpetually nervous beastman that tends to spring into action at inopportune moments. Looks like a cat, but thinks it's a tiger.
35 Ys3-Ilba (Shell) Ilba (Shell) LV: 27
HP: 288
Str: 165
Def: 157
Gold: 26
Exp: 233
A large lump of rock. Surfaces without warning and send out streams of ice. As tough as you'd expect; sword attacks do little against it.
36 Ys3-Ilba (Core) Ilba (Core) LV: 28
HP: 192
Str: 171
Def: 93
Gold: 10
Exp: 241
Ilba's true form, seen when its rock armor is destroyed. Although weak, it does drift through the air firing painful projectiles.
37 Ys3-Salada Salada LV: 27
HP: 242
Str: 152
Def: 137
Gold: 30
Exp: 241
A living mineral closely related to ilbas. Cannot be hurt from the front, but is completely open from above. Known to eat and digest raval ore.
38 Ys3-Vi-Jigel Vi-Jigel LV: 28
HP: 176
Str: 167
Def: 141
Gold: 20
Exp: 170
The jigel warrior class. Fires stingers from afar with deadly accuracy, but possesses little intelligence, making it much less of a threat.
39 Ys3-Almetron Almetron LV: 28
HP: 233
Str: 171
Def: 156
Gold: 50
Exp: 241
A subspecies of almenger that enjoys rolling up and down the mountain slopes. Sword attacks are ineffective; solid tackling is recommended.
40 Ys3-Gulgado Gulgado LV: 29
HP: 316
Str: 171
Def: 163
Gold: 60
Exp: 250
A subspecies of gulg which has adapted to the cold. Attacks with acid bubbles. Invulnerable from the front, but its backside is very weak.
41 Ys3-Mon-Jigel Mon-Jigel LV: 30
HP: 313
Str: 165
Def: 165
Gold: 354
Exp: 258
A mature queen jigel. Exists to reproduce, laying eggs constantly. Best eliminated in short order, lest its numbers grow out of control.
42 Ys3-Jigradel Jigradel LV: 30
HP: 325
Str: 177
Def: 166
Gold: 80
Exp: 263
A hero of the Kradel tribe. Swings its heavy axe with supersonic speed. Its social status is indicated by the mask it wears.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Valestein Castle[]

# Image Name Stats Description
43 Ys3-Ishguest Ishguest LV: 31
HP: 333
Str: 188
Def: 169
Gold: 100
Exp: 249
A Valestein soldier zombified by the dark mist. Devoid of thought or reason, but retains combat instinct, making him a formidable foe.
44 Ys3-Selnade Selnade LV: 31
HP: 290
Str: 174
Def: 155
Gold: 100
Exp: 253
A castle maid corrupted by the dark mist. Bows dutifully before hurling deadly knives. Her head bobs unnaturally as she zig-zags in hot pursuit.
45 Ys3-Falan Falan LV: 32
HP: 259
Str: 186
Def: 159
Gold: 105
Exp: 270
A half-man, half-beast sorcerer. Launches heat-seeking bolts of energy to attack. The longer one fights with a falan, the surer his defeat.
46 Ys3-Halvaiger Halvaiger LV: 32
HP: 354
Str: 193
Def: 180
Gold: 105
Exp: 273
A lizardman warrior. Nimbly backflips, but can be easily tricked into diving down pits (or out of harm's way, at the very least).
47 Ys3-Kratica Kratica LV: 33
HP: 403
Str: 199
Def: 181
Gold: 110
Exp: 274
A trap which fires dangerous beams of energy. Automatically attacks when approached, but is highly vulnerable from above.
48 Ys3-Ishknight Ishknight LV: 34
HP: 372
Str: 198
Def: 173
Gold: 115
Exp: 287
Originally a soldier, like the ishguests. His spear serves as both attack and defense. Though not a horseman, he is still a knight.
49 Ys3-Farighva Farighva LV: 34
HP: 277
Str: 199
Def: 168
Gold: 120
Exp: 287
Relative of the falan, but notably stronger. Particularly skilled at making a quick escape when the need arises.
50 Ys3-Xenovaiger Xenovaiger LV: 35
HP: 397
Str: 204
Def: 186
Gold: 125
Exp: 300
A halvaiger commander. Stronger than its lesser cousin in all respects, and boasts 3x the speed as well (but it's really more like 0.3x!).
51 Ys3-Pique Pique LV: 35
HP: 251
Str: 207
Def: 168
Gold: 26
Exp: 65
Erid larva. Attacks in great numbers. Due to the high pressure inside its super-hard shell, it bursts from within when cracked open.
52 Ys3-Erid Erid LV: 36
HP: 351
Str: 208
Def: 191
Gold: 100
Exp: 309
A crustacean once raised as livestock, but now turned feral. Its tail allows it to leap in the air, and a full-grown erid is unfazed by fire.
53 Ys3-Radli Radli LV: 37
HP: 372
Str: 213
Def: 195
Gold: 105
Exp: 317
A flying insect covered in poisonous dust, which is released downwind in frightening quantities. Much larger than it looks at first glance.
54 Ys3-Torieze Torieze LV: 38
HP: 493
Str: 218
Def: 199
Gold: 110
Exp: 326
A tree which spews out large volumes of toxic spores. Was once a Normal plant, but got corrupted by the dark mist.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Clock Tower[]

# Image Name Stats Description
55 Ys3-Detoh Detoh LV: 39
HP: 389
Str: 215
Def: 204
Gold: 190
Exp: 323
A bizarre, slug-like creature that oozes a thick mucus. Spits an acidic liquid from its head, but uses this more to purge than to attack.
56 Ys3-Garlium Garlium LV: 40
HP: 426
Str: 219
Def: 201
Gold: 35
Exp: 331
A criminal amongst the goblins. Lost its pride and status, and has been branded with the clothes of an outcast to signify as such.
57 Ys3-Estarion Estarion LV: 41
HP: 482
Str: 244
Def: 228
Gold: 130
Exp: 345
Once of the strongest, proudest Valestein men. His heavy armor makes him slow to move, but his sword swings could blow out a lit candle.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Genos Island[]

# Image Name Stats Description
58 Ys3-Keratros Keratros LV: 43
HP: 502
Str: 233
Def: 233
Gold: 42
Exp: 219
A subspecies of kayron which crossed over to Genos Island long ago. Galbalan's influence made it small, but it is not to be taken lightly.
59 Ys3-Balzarl Balzarl LV: 44
HP: 512
Str: 235
Def: 231
Gold: 240
Exp: 390
A more powerful barl. Has two eyes, so is much better at accurately striking its prey. Still only a slight improvement, however.
60 Ys3-Doonos Doonos LV: 45
HP: 632
Str: 248
Def: 251
Gold: 156
Exp: 413
A strange creature from the old days of Galbalan possessing only a head. Rarely moves, but can fire a powerful beam of energy from its one eye.
61 Ys3-Skull-Alnada Skull-Alnada LV: 46
HP: 590
Str: 251
Def: 247
Gold: 166
Exp: 394
An immortal skeletal warrior, like the ones that ravaged Genos Island twelve years ago. Rises from the dead after a short time.
Note: Cannot be killed without Silver Chimes equipped
62 Ys3-Skull-Magiste Skull-Magiste LV: 46
HP: 532
Str: 247
Def: 230
Gold: 160
Exp: 394
An immortal sorcerer, constantly rising from the dead. Animated by corrupted spirits, and utilizes numerous black arts in combat.
Note: Cannot be killed without Silver Chimes equipped
63 Ys3-Machvariese Machvariese LV: 47
HP: 703
Str: 260
Def: 260
Gold: 180
Exp: 424
A foul tree grown from Galbalan's evil. Fires bursts of sap which descend to the ground with explosive force. Not to be trifled with.
64 Ys3-Levynade Levynade LV: 48
HP: 680
Str: 262
Def: 253
Gold: 200
Exp: 456
A grotesque mystery. Strongest foe in the shrine, and lords that strength over its peers. Deadly even if fought one-on-one.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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By Family[]


# Image Name Stats Description
1 Ys3-Guff Guff LV: 1
HP: 42
Str: 42
Def: 40
Gold: 1
Exp: 5
A creature which roams the roads of Felghana. Once a mere feral dog, the ongoing disaster has made it vicious. Always hunts in a pack.
22 Ys3-Queguff Queguff LV: 17
HP: 205
Str: 121
Def: 109
Gold: 9
Exp: 143
A guff turned feral by the ongoing disaster. Wishes only to maim and kill. Strong, but easily defeated with a steady attack.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
2 Ys3-Riez Riez LV: 2
HP: 67
Str: 44
Def: 44
Gold: 1
Exp: 8
A wildflower that grows along the roads. Its origins are unknown, but it attacks humans that get too close. Approaching is not recommended.
23 Ys3-Deriez Deriez LV: 17
HP: 160
Str: 125
Def: 109
Gold: 10
Exp: 145
A more powerful riez. Thought to have malicious will due to its frantic spreading of toxic seeds. Grows back after being cut down.
54 Ys3-Torieze Torieze LV: 38
HP: 493
Str: 218
Def: 199
Gold: 110
Exp: 326
A tree which spews out large volumes of toxic spores. Was once a Normal plant, but got corrupted by the dark mist.
63 Ys3-Machvariese Machvariese LV: 47
HP: 703
Str: 260
Def: 260
Gold: 180
Exp: 424
A foul tree grown from Galbalan's evil. Fires bursts of sap which descend to the ground with explosive force. Not to be trifled with.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
5 Ys3-Kayron Kayron LV: 4
HP: 57
Str: 48
Def: 44
Gold: 2
Exp: 33
A bat corrupted by evil influences. Randomly emits ultrasonic waves, as it's virtually blind without them.
58 Ys3-Keratros Keratros LV: 43
HP: 502
Str: 233
Def: 233
Gold: 42
Exp: 219
A subspecies of kayron which crossed over to Genos Island long ago. Galbalan's influence made it small, but it is not to be taken lightly.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
6 Ys3-Radel Radel LV: 5
HP: 88
Str: 58
Def: 59
Gold: 3
Exp: 40
A goblin most often seen wielding a club, which it swings with intense force. Once its target's been chosen, a chase to the death commences.
28 Ys3-Duradel Duradel LV: 21
HP: 264
Str: 1335
Def: 130
Gold: 13
Exp: 188
A powered-up radel. Strikes the ground*Hard enough to trigger an earthquake. Becomes completely enraged when injured.
30 Ys3-Kradel Kradel LV: 23
HP: 246
Str: 146
Def: 147
Gold: 22
Exp: 206
A subspecies of radel which has adapted to the cold. Unintelligent, but prides its warrior status, and often fights with its radel cousins.
42 Ys3-Jigradel Jigradel LV: 30
HP: 325
Str: 177
Def: 166
Gold: 80
Exp: 263
A hero of the Kradel tribe. Swings its heavy axe with supersonic speed. Its social status is indicated by the mask it wears.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
7 Ys3-Mozuk Mozuk LV: 6
HP: 113
Str: 68
Def: 61
Gold: 4
Exp: 65
A large beetle with an extremely*Hard exo-skeleton that deflects sword attacks remarkably well, but melts readily when exposed to flame.
20 Ys3-Mozgouz Mozgouz LV: 16
HP: 117
Str: 104
Def: 104
Gold: 3
Exp: 29
A miniature mozuk which has adapted to high temperatures. Extremely temperamental, and will form a mob to attack intruders on its turf.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
9 Ys3-Sigled Sigled LV: 7
HP: 154
Str: 81
Def: 65
Gold: 6
Exp: 75
Member of a wolf tribe skilled in whip combat and tactical maneuvers. Seems to share its genus with guffs, but strongly denies any relation.
13 Ys3-Diegled Diegled LV: 11
HP: 154
Str: 95
Def: 89
Gold: 7
Exp: 115
A higher rank of sigled. Agile and extremely skilled with the whip, but terrible at melee combat. Never bites, despite its sharp fangs.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
11 Ys3-Seean Seean LV: 9
HP: 97
Str: 81
Def: 72
Gold: 4
Exp: 95
A relatively weak sorcerer. Teleports to confuse foes, then fires bolts of magical energy. Most vulnerable right after reappearing.
15 Ys3-Sizarian Sizarian LV: 12
HP: 115
Str: 90
Def: 87
Gold: 8
Exp: 121
A high-ranking sorcerer that attacks by firing three blasts of energy in a scattered pattern. Looks down on seeans as inferior mages.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
12 Ys3-Gulg Gulg LV: 10
HP: 123
Str: 89
Def: 82
Gold: 7
Exp: 105
A land crab with large, scissorlike pincers. Can only be struck from behind or above. Its meat is a delicacy, but few live to sample it.
40 Ys3-Gulgado Gulgado LV: 29
HP: 316
Str: 171
Def: 163
Gold: 60
Exp: 250
A subspecies of gulg which has adapted to the cold. Attacks with acid bubbles. Invulnerable from the front, but its backside is very weak.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
14 Ys3-Barl Barl LV: 11
HP: 121
Str: 91
Def: 80
Gold: 6
Exp: 115
A cyclopic monster from the underworld. Pounces mercilessly on its prey, but because its vision is limited, it's easy to take by surprise.
59 Ys3-Balzarl Balzarl LV: 44
HP: 512
Str: 235
Def: 231
Gold: 240
Exp: 390
A more powerful barl. Has two eyes, so is much better at accurately striking its prey. Still only a slight improvement, however.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
17 Ys3-Zual Zual LV: 13
HP: 121
Str: 103
Def: 78
Gold: 8
Exp: 124
Predominantly a carrion-eater, the zual will persistently attack anything that looks edible. No one knows why it lives underground.
21 Ys3-Kelzarl Kelzarl LV: 17
HP: 172
Str: 108
Def: 119
Gold: 10
Exp: 153
A full-grown zual. It continually emits fire from its body, scorching its surroundings. No one knows how it survives its own deadly inferno.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
18 Ys3-Almenger Almenger LV: 14
HP: 162
Str: 104
Def: 100
Gold: 8
Exp: 122
Once a docile creature that used its shell only for defense, it now attacks with a ferocious charge-- sometimes wholly at random!
39 Ys3-Almetron Almetron LV: 28
HP: 233
Str: 171
Def: 156
Gold: 50
Exp: 241
A subspecies of almenger that enjoys rolling up and down the mountain slopes. Sword attacks are ineffective; solid tackling is recommended.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
24 Ys3-Fozen Fozen LV: 18
HP: 185
Str: 125
Def: 117
Gold: 10
Exp: 156
A mitotic slime. Reproduces asexually, often creating a sudden increase in numbers. And despite separating, it continues to act as one.
27 Ys3-Barlen Barlen LV: 21
HP: 168
Str: 135
Def: 130
Gold: 12
Exp: 182
A flying jellyfish-like creature. Attacks from above with electricity. Shares basic structure with fozens; may be from the same genus.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
26 Ys3-Geld Geld LV: 19
HP: 186
Str: 128
Def: 132
Gold: 10
Exp: 165
A gore-loving ogre with greatly honed night vision. Attacks with razor-sharp claws that can tear right through a wooden shield.
29 Ys3-Gel-Grad Gel-Grad LV: 22
HP: 207
Str: 140
Def: 130
Gold: 14
Exp: 204
A subspecies of geld. Able to camouflage itself in the dark, and when found, attacks with its claws. Pursues its prey endlessly.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
31 Ys3-Jigel Jigel LV: 24
HP: 156
Str: 149
Def: 125
Gold: 20
Exp: 146
A mud wasp that's adapted to the cold. Carries its prey back to its nest, preserving the meat for later consumption.
38 Ys3-Vi-Jigel Vi-Jigel LV: 28
HP: 176
Str: 167
Def: 141
Gold: 20
Exp: 170
The jigel warrior class. Fires stingers from afar with deadly accuracy, but possesses little intelligence, making it much less of a threat.
41 Ys3-Mon-Jigel Mon-Jigel LV: 30
HP: 313
Str: 165
Def: 165
Gold: 354
Exp: 258
A mature queen jigel. Exists to reproduce, laying eggs constantly. Best eliminated in short order, lest its numbers grow out of control.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
35 Ys3-Ilba (Shell) Ilba (Shell) LV: 27
HP: 288
Str: 165
Def: 157
Gold: 26
Exp: 233
A large lump of rock. Surfaces without warning and send out streams of ice. As tough as you'd expect; sword attacks do little against it.
36 Ys3-Ilba (Core) Ilba (Core) LV: 28
HP: 192
Str: 171
Def: 93
Gold: 10
Exp: 241
Ilba's true form, seen when its rock armor is destroyed. Although weak, it does drift through the air firing painful projectiles.
38 Ys3-Vi-Jigel Vi-Jigel LV: 28
HP: 176
Str: 167
Def: 141
Gold: 20
Exp: 170
The jigel warrior class. Fires stingers from afar with deadly accuracy, but possesses little intelligence, making it much less of a threat.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
43 Ys3-Ishguest Ishguest LV: 31
HP: 333
Str: 188
Def: 169
Gold: 100
Exp: 249
A Valestein soldier zombified by the dark mist. Devoid of thought or reason, but retains combat instinct, making him a formidable foe.
48 Ys3-Ishknight Ishknight LV: 34
HP: 372
Str: 198
Def: 173
Gold: 115
Exp: 287
Originally a soldier, like the ishguests. His spear serves as both attack and defense. Though not a horseman, he is still a knight.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
45 Ys3-Falan Falan LV: 32
HP: 259
Str: 186
Def: 159
Gold: 105
Exp: 270
A half-man, half-beast sorcerer. Launches heat-seeking bolts of energy to attack. The longer one fights with a falan, the surer his defeat.
49 Ys3-Farighva Farighva LV: 34
HP: 277
Str: 199
Def: 168
Gold: 120
Exp: 287
Relative of the falan, but notably stronger. Particularly skilled at making a quick escape when the need arises.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
46 Ys3-Halvaiger Halvaiger LV: 32
HP: 354
Str: 193
Def: 180
Gold: 105
Exp: 273
A lizardman warrior. Nimbly backflips, but can be easily tricked into diving down pits (or out of harm's way, at the very least).
50 Ys3-Xenovaiger Xenovaiger LV: 35
HP: 397
Str: 204
Def: 186
Gold: 125
Exp: 300
A halvaiger commander. Stronger than its lesser cousin in all respects, and boasts 3x the speed as well (but it's really more like 0.3x!).
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
51 Ys3-Pique Pique LV: 35
HP: 251
Str: 207
Def: 168
Gold: 26
Exp: 65
Erid larva. Attacks in great numbers. Due to the high pressure inside its super-hard shell, it bursts from within when cracked open.
52 Ys3-Erid Erid LV: 36
HP: 351
Str: 208
Def: 191
Gold: 100
Exp: 309
A crustacean once raised as livestock, but now turned feral. Its tail allows it to leap in the air, and a full-grown erid is unfazed by fire.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
61 Ys3-Skull-Alnada Skull-Alnada LV: 46
HP: 590
Str: 251
Def: 247
Gold: 166
Exp: 394
An immortal skeletal warrior, like the ones that ravaged Genos Island twelve years ago. Rises from the dead after a short time.
Note: Cannot be killed without Silver Chimes equipped
62 Ys3-Skull-Magiste Skull-Magiste LV: 46
HP: 532
Str: 247
Def: 230
Gold: 160
Exp: 394
An immortal sorcerer, constantly rising from the dead. Animated by corrupted spirits, and utilizes numerous black arts in combat.
Note: Cannot be killed without Silver Chimes equipped
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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# Image Name Stats Description
65 Ys3-boss-Dularn-1 Dularn LV: ???
HP: 190
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Dularn - The Creeping Shadow

A sorcerer of unknown origin and purpose. His whole body is covered in bandages, hiding his true identity. Vanished on defeat, but said he would report this incident. The question is, to whom?
66 Ys3-boss-Ellefale Ellefale LV: ???
HP: 400
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Ellefale - The Azure Queen of Death

A blue statue in the depths of the quarry, carved in the shape of a woman. In spite of its beautiful appearance, it attacks Adol with incredible ferocity. Guardian of the Moonstar Statue.
67 Ys3-boss-Chester-1 Chester Stoddart LV: ???
HP: 700
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Chester Stoddart - The Black-Hearted White Knight

The white knight from the ruins. His speed and skill with a blade surpasses even Adol's, and his movements are hard to follow. It seems as if he was investigating something...
68 Ys3-boss-Guilen Guilen LV: ???
HP: 1100
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Guilen - The Fire Eater

A fire serpent found deep in the lava pits. Long had it slept, only to be awakened by Dularn's sorcery. It's a full 20 melye in length, and has reigned over the lava pits since time immemorial.
69 Ys3-boss-Gyalva Gyalva LV: ???
HP: 1200
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Gyalva - Lord of the Blazing Prison

A great flying dragon which has long held the duty of eliminating those who attempt escape from the lava pits. It attacks with flaming breath and powerful body charges. Guardian of the Sunset Statue.
70 Ys3-boss-Istersiva Istersiva LV: ???
HP: 2000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Istersiva - The Crystalline Entity

A mysterious crystal that pulses as if alive, and is filled with impurities that look almost like internal organs. It attacks with intense bursts of an unknown energy. Guardian of the Darkness Statue.
71 Ys3-boss-Ligaty Ligaty LV: ???
HP: 2970
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Ligaty - The Three Flying Succubi

Three harpy sisters summoned by Dularn. Their forms are an odd blend of bird and beauty, and they attack Adol with incredible synchronicity-- but each has her own distinctive weakness.
72 Ys3-boss-Gildias Gildias LV: ???
HP: 3000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Gildias - Guardian of the Icy Depths

A giant dragon that attacks with icy breath and a storm of ice shards. Once charged with protecting the sacred mountain, but turned mad with boredom over the years. Guardian of the Light Statue.
73 Ys3-boss-DeathFaleon Death Faleon LV: ???
HP: 2712
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Death Faleon - The Ever-Whirling Assassin

An evil crimson warrior found in the castle. Has the ability to change its weakness at will, making it difficult to predict. Succumbs easily to ancient powers of good, however.
74 Ys3-boss-ZellfelZamSchultiger Zellfel Zam Schultiger LV: ???
HP: 2925
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Zellfel Zam Schultiger - The Savage Mongrel

A vicious demon dog found in the west wing of Valestein Castle. A wild creature imported from Garman and transformed into a foe of unbridled savagery by the dark mist.
75 Ys3-boss-Zirduros Zirduros LV: ???
HP: 3300
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Zirduros - The Clockwork Cannon

A clockwork-and-steel warrior which guards the dungeon in Valestein Castle. With its beast-like appearance and steel weaponry, frontal assaults are virtually useless.
76 Ys3-boss-Chester-2 Chester Stoddart LV: ???
HP: 3500
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Chester Stoddart - The Vengeful White Knight

His fight in the castle tower was meant to prove him a superior warrior to Adol. But despite his tenacity and skill, Adol was ultimately found to be his better.
77 Ys3-boss-Dularn-2 Dularn LV: ???
HP: 4000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Dularn - The Tragic Loyalist

The sorcerer returns for a final battle on Genos Island. In the end, her true identity was that of Sister Nell. Repented on her deathbed for the many atrocities she committed in Nikolas Garland's name.
78 Ys3-boss-garland Garland LV: ???
HP: 5000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Garland - The Dark Bishop

The apostate ringleader of the disaster in Felghana. He was once a pious man, dedicated to the holy church, but a chance encounter with the great power in the Illburns Ruins drove him to insane zealotry.
79 Galbalan Galbalan LV: ???
HP: 6000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Galbalan - Sinister Marauder From Afar

The great demon of legend. Was once bested by the fabled warrior, Genos, bringing his dreams of destruction to an end. He was later revived by Garland, but Adol was able to take him down.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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Secret Bosses[]
