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Woodlands of Woe is a forest located north-northwest of Balduq. There is an alter in the depth of the woods for rituals of Nors religion. It was now left in ruins after the downfall of Nors. There is a inscription in the alter that described the Grimwald Nox and the Egg of Draupnir.

In the Side quest #33: Inscription Inspection, it is revealed that the name "Woodlands of Woe" is likely a corruption of ancient Gllia language "Weoh," which means "a sacred place."


Map of Woodlands of Woe

Map of Woodlands of Woe

  • Chest #1: Relic Bone Relic Bone
  • Chest #2: Gold 3600 Gold
  • Chest #3: Iron Bangle Iron Bangle
  • Chest #4: Panacea Panacea x2
  • Chest #5: Hermit's Remedy Hermit's Remedy
  • Chest #6: Gold 5400 Gold
  • Chest #7: Dry-aged Meat Dry-aged Meat x2
  • Chest #8: Defense Elixir Defense Elixir
  • Chest #9: Grimoire Dark Grimoire
  • Landmark: Forbidden Altar Ruins

Side quest[]

Side quest #33 – Inscription Inspection    
Location Woodlands of Woe Client Tetra
Priority 2 Deadline Short
Destination Woodlands of Woe Target Key2 Stone Fragment x3
Availability Chapter 9, after Woodlands of Woe is unlocked Type Investigation
Reward Strike Crown Strike Crown
Contents That wandering bard, Tetra, went off to the Woodlands of Woe in search of some poetic inspiration.

She probably won't last long in there on her own though... Maybe we should help her out.
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Name Stats Description
Ys9-Gloggury Gloggury LV: 59
HP: 993
Str: 569
Def: 1687
Gold: 21
Exp: 1612
Wk: Strike
A large species of gastropod. They retreat within themselves in order to trample prey with their spike-adorned shells.

Drop items: Sturdy Shell Armored Shell Luminescent Fluid
Ys9-Wogene Wogene LV: 61
HP: 15400
Str: 690
Def: 638
Gold: 158
Exp: 3315
Wk: None
Ancient trees that lurk within the Woodlands of Woe. Through the countless trees that populate the woods are essentially indistinguishable, only a few of them actually possess a proper soul.

Drop items: Soul Lumber Sacred Branch Polar Night Drop
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  • The name seems to be a willful localization done by NISA to use the word "Weoh" and "Woe" in English.

