Ys Wiki

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Ys Wiki
Ys 8 Little Paro Little Paro: "Found Adol! Found Aron! Who is Aron?"
This article translated content that has not received an official localization.
The content of this article may be changed in the future if an official localization is released.


Image Name Description
Ys5-Skeleton Skeleton Skeletal soldiers that wield a sickle.

Drop items: Sapphire
Ys5-Animated Armor Animated Armor Empty animated suit of armor that attacks anyone in its path.

Drop items: Sapphire
Not official names, as Ys V does not include a bestiary.


  • Despite named "South" wood, the location located north of Woodcutter Village. It's unknown whether this is an wrong in the original text or a translation error.
