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Ys Wiki


Image Name Stats Description
Ys8-Bicillus Bicillus LV: 25
HP: 331
Str: 243
Def: 174
Exp: 146
Wk: Slash
Leeches often found in swamps and bogs. They attach themselves to living creatures to drink their blood, only detaching themselves once they've had their fill.

Drop items: Thin Hide Sterile Mucus White Mushroom
Ys8-Shotsolla Shotsolla LV: 26
HP: 426
Str: 219
Def: 209
Exp: 373
Wk: Slash
Carnivorous plants that grow in marshlands. They secrete a paralytic mucus which immobilizes any living creature that comes in contact with it.

Drop items: Small Leaf Beautiful Flower Lateka Resin
Ys8-Lugaadi Lugaadi LV: 26
HP: 383
Str: 230
Def: 182
Exp: 419
Wk: Slash
Strange murderous fish that lurk in the mud. They have poor eyesight so they rely on their sense of small, emerging from the swamp to attack when they sense prey.

Drop items: Murky Mucus Sturdy Bone Sword Tip Fang
Ys8-Salamandine Salamandine LV: 27
HP: 1770
Str: 307
Def: 318
Exp: 2138
Wk: None
Enormous amphibians that populates swamps. They have voracious appetites, and can even swallow a human whole with their oversized jaws.

Drop items: Thick Hide Sterile Mucus Salamandine Hide White Meat
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Image Name Stats Description
Ys8-Magamandra Magamandra LV: 26
HP: 12400
Str: 230
Def: 914
Exp: 16678
Wk: None
An old living tree that has existed since time immemorial. It scatters its explosive nuts as it flails its branches, in hope of grabbing living prey for sustenance.
Ys8-Laspisus Laspisus LV: 28
HP: 11300
Str: 267
Def: 647
Exp: 20316
Wk: None
A giant swamp-dwelling jungle beast. It tackles those who intrude upon its territory, knocking them into the muck of the swamp, where they sink like stones.
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