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Rastell (ラステル?) is one of the guards of Eternias capital Aegias. He wanted to become a guard since he was a child, both because of his admiration of his father, Chief Guard Dran, said to be the strongest soldier of the Kingdom, and in order to protect Dana Iclucia.

Dana and Rastell have been close friends since their childhood. After the Lacrimosa where his father died he also blamed Dana at first, but after hearing her determination to save Eternia decided to help her. He defended her from a mob and was injured, but Olga treated his wounds afterwards. He is later shown with an eyepatch over his left eye, however.

Character Notes[]


Son of Chief Guard Dran, he has finally become a guard himself. His work ethic impresses the senior guards on duty.

Character Note 1 Overcoming Despair
The death of his father sent him into a deep despair, but Dana's unwavering will inspired him to overcome it.
Character Note 2 Maiden's Guardian
Acting as Dana's personal guardian, he has chosen to walk his own path, like his father before him.

