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Ys Wiki


Image Name Stats Description
Enemies listed below cannot be defeated until Orichalcum weapons are acquired.
Ys8-Paracelsis Paracelsis LV: 35
HP: 1090
Str: 450
Def: 331
Exp: 378
Wk: None
Juvenile Primordials with adorable appearance. They are highly intelligent, luring prey back to their pack so they can devour it as a group.

Drop items: Beast Hide Beast Bone Saurian Scale Primitive Meat
Ys8-Sergesius Sergesius LV: 37
HP: 6190
Str: 540
Def: 375
Exp: 2255
Wk: None
Fully matured Paracelsis. They are highly intelligent, preying on the eggs of other Primordials and taking over their nests.

Drop items: Beast Bone Accursed Shell Saurian Scale Primitive Meat
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