- Abandoned Mine
- Abandoned Mine (Esteria)
- Abandoned Mine (Felghana)
- Abel Renford
- Abyss of Origin
- Adol Christin
- Adol Christin's travelogues
- Adol Christin/Image Gallery
- Adol Christin/Storyline
- Adonis
- Advance controls
- Aegias
- Affinity
- Afroca
- Afrocan
- Agares
- Agnihume
- Agricultural District
- Agu
- Aida
- Aisha
- Aisha (Ys II Special)
- Aisha (Ys V)
- Aisha Sari Edonas
- Aitsch
- Akashic Records
- Alchemy
- Alchemy Wing
- Aldovoss
- Alga
- Algon River Basin
- Alice
- Alison
- Alison's Child
- Alma
- Altago
- Altago City
- Altago Plains
- Alyes
- Analogue to real world
- Ancient Burrow
- Ancient Tree
- Andre
- Anea
- Anemona Rijndael
- Angela
- Angoraboras
- Angue-Barl
- Anice
- Anima Ergastulum
- Antonio
- Anya
- Aprilis
- Arche
- Archeozoic Chasm
- Arem
- Ares
- Arisa
- Ark of Napishtim
- Armed Biter
- Artisan Lane
- Asad
- Ashen Forest
- Ashley
- Ashley (Ys Strategy)
- Atlas Continent
- Atlas Ocean
- Atra Nox Philius
- Atsushi Shirakawa
- Attack bonuses
- Attli
- Auguste
- Austin
- Avalodragil
- Avis
- Azort
- Bagyu Ba'dead
- Baja Tower
- Balduq
- Balduq Cemetery
- Balduq Fortress of Yore
- Balduq Prison
- Balta Island
- Balta Seaforce
- Bami
- Bani
- Banoa
- Barbado Port
- Barbaros
- Barencia
- Baruq
- Baslam
- Batiste
- Beast Hills
- Beast Plains
- Belger
- Bells of Freedom
- Berhardt
- Biksen
- Bishop Nikolas
- Black Pearl
- Blighted Blood
- Blob Durion
- Bob
- Bolado Monastery
- Book of Ys
- Boost mode
- Branch
- Bratos
- Britai
- Buff potions
- Bulaghoul
- Bump System
- Cadena
- Calilica
- Calis
- Camara
- Cameo
- Canaan Islands
- Canaan Plains
- Captain Reed
- Carla (Ys Strategy)
- Carla Pendleton
- Carmine
- Carnac
- Cartography report
- Casnan
- Casnia Mine
- Castaway Village
- Castaway Village/Shops
- Catharsis
- Cave Lake
- Cavern of the Ancient King
- Cecilia
- Celceta
- Central District
- Cesilica Kentia
- Chante
- Chase
- Chatelard
- Chester Stoddart
- Chimeral Bourdon
- Chimeral Chard III
- Chimeral Roussillon
- Christof
- Ciarius
- Ciel Canyon Road
- City of Kefin
- Clan of Darkness
- Clement Berge
- Cleria
- Cleria Ring
- Cleria Shield
- Cleria Sword
- Cliff
- Cloaca Maxima
- Clock Tower
- Clouded Leopard Entertainment
- Coastal Road
- Cohen
- Coleen Rusveri
- Colonia Artifact Laboratory
- Colonia Battlefield
- Colony of Lava
- Comodo
- Comodo Elder
- Concealed Path
- Condemned Norns
- Count McGuire
- Craig
- Credo Aiblinger
- Crevia
- Croix
- Cruxie
- Cruz Carpent
- Crystals of Kefin
- Cultural Heritage Site
- Currency
- Cynthia
- Dalles
- Damage Types
- Dana Iclucia
- Dana Iclucia/Storyline
- Danan
- Dandelion
- Dandelion/Store and Services
- Dark Fact
- Dark Knight
- Dark Shrine
- Darm
- Darm Tower
- Darm Tower/Enemies
- Dawson Evelies
- Death Faleon
- Demi-Galba
- Demonic Core
- Deo-anima
- Desert
- Desert Wolf
- Devil's Corridor
- Devil's Throne
- Dewey
- Dina
- Dino
- Dios
- Dios (Ys I)
- Doctor Bludo
- Doctor Daleyon
- Dogi
- Dogi/Image Gallery
- Dorman
- Dragia Haman
- Dragon Knights
- Dragon Warrior
- Dran
- Dreisen
- Druegar
- Dry Moat Ruins
- Duarl Sea
- Duff
- Duke Gateau
- Duren
- East Coast Cave
- Ed
- Edelbard
- Edgar
- Ediz
- Edonas
- Effey
- Egg of Draupnir
- Einar
- Eldeel
- Eldeen
- Elderm Mountains
- Elduke
- Elduke Outskirts
- Elena Stoddart
- Elena Stoddart/Image Gallery
- Elizabetha
- Elk
- Elle
- Ellefale
- Elvaron
- Emain Macha
- Emelas
- Emilio
- Entertainment District
- Entrance (Darm Tower)
- Eolia
- Epona
- Erdlingen War
- Eresia
- Eresian
- Ernst
- Eroded Valley
- Essence
- Estatte Road
- Esteria
- Eternal Hill
- Eternian
- Eudes
- Euron
- Ezal
- Ezer
- Falbrav
- Falcom Sound Team jdk
- Father Cuthbert
- Father Jean Pierre
- Father Shion
- Fatima
- Faust
- Feena
- Feena/Image Gallery
- Felghana
- Felix
- Felte Wilderness
- Filan
- Fiona
- Fiona (Felghana)
- Fiona (Ys VI Online)
- Five Dragons of Altago
- Five Tribes of Altago
- Flair Rall
- Flooded Prison
- Forest Labyrinth
- Forest of Dawn
- Forest of Spores
- Foresta
- Foresta Cave
- Foresta Plain
- Foresta Village
- Former Sanctuary Crypt
- Fountain of Prayer
- Fran
- Franz
- Frieda
- Gadis
- Gaete Sea
- Galbalan
- Galleon
- Games
- Garam
- Gardner
- Garman
- Gazel
- Gazock
- Gear
- Geelzebub
- Geis
- Gelaldy
- Gendarme Mountain
- Genos
- Genos Island
- Geze
- Gidona Crater
- Gila
- Gildias
- Girguzalm
- Glemandy
- Gllia
- Glucarius
- Goban Tovah
- Goddess Ring
- Gordo
- Gorto Dabbie
- Graffiti
- Grana-Vallis Mountain
- Grattheos
- Grattheos Talisman
- Great River Valley
- Great Tree of Origins
- Great Valley
- Greek
- Grenn Berge
- Griegr
- Grimble Board
- Grimnir
- Grimson Balta
- Grimwald Nox
- Griselda
- Groaning Grotto
- Gruda
- Guido
- Guila