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The Limewater Cave (緑水洞 Midori Suidō?) is a dungeon on Canaan Island visited in Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim. It can be accessed from the western Canaan Plains and leads to the Cave Lake. The inside of the cave is very dark and offers limited visibility, though this effect can be alleviated by equipping the Rainbow Fragment.


Image Name Stats Description
Ys6-Sume Sume LV: 30
HP: 56/95/129
Str: 170
Def: 146
Luck: 95
Gold: 18
Exp: 55
Little monsters spit out by Nabood. They will flop toward Adol. Special Attack: Poison
Ys6-Green Dollon Green Dollon LV: 31
HP: 58/99/133
Str: 166
Def: 172
Luck: 98
Gold: 55
Exp: 157
It is the weakest of all the Dollons. A basic monster. Special Attack: Poison

Drops: Emel x30 Kamio Flower
Ys6-Blue Dollon Blue Dollon LV: 32
HP: 59/100/136
Str: 176
Def: 176
Luck: 134
Gold: 18
Exp: 162
This Dollon slows its victims down. Each Dollon has different abilities. Special Attack: Slow

Drops: Emel x30 Orio Fruit
Ys6-Red Dollon Red Dollon LV: 32
HP: 59/100/136
Str: 176
Def: 176
Luck: 198
Gold: 60
Exp: 162
The Red Dollon will confuse Adol with its attack. Special attack: Confusion

Drops: Emel x30 Orio Fruit
Ys6-Yellow Dollon Yellow Dollon LV: 32
HP: 59/100/136
Str: 176
Def: 176
Luck: 102
Gold: 60
Exp: 162
This Dollon uses a curse attack. Do you have a status cure item? Special attack: Curse

Drops: Emel x30 Orio Fruit
Ys6-Nabood Nabood LV: 32
HP: 84/143/193
Str: 176
Def: 202
Luck: 166
Gold: 120
Exp: 325
Nabood runs away spitting Sume behind it.

Drops: Emel x30 Herb Limurian Shroom
Ys6-White Dollon White Dollon LV: 37
HP: 133/266/532
Str: 191
Def: 220
Luck: 153
Gold: 170
Exp: 375
The White Dollon has no special powers, but it is one tough Dollon.

Drops: Emel x1 Emel x1 Emel x1 Emel x1 Emel x1 Emel x1 Emel x1 Emel x150
Ys6-Nirva Nirva LV: 37
HP: 66/112/152
Str: 209
Def: 205
Luck: 153
Gold: 170
Exp: 375
Adol cannot hurt the Nirva unless he equips the Bell of Silence.

Drops: Emel x150 Herb
Ys6-Zadrom Zadrom LV: 30
HP: 113/192/260
Str: 167
Def: 118
Luck: 185
Gold: 400
Exp: 610

Drops: Emel x30 Orio Fruit Limurian Shroom
Ys6-Birandi Birandi LV: 36
HP: 130/221/299
Str: 208
Def: 201
Luck: 222
Gold: 160
Exp: 365
Birandi is a strong shadow monster. Use the Rainbow Fragment to see its true form.

Drops: Emel x150 Herb
Ys6-Black Dollon Black Dollon LV: 37
HP: 133/226/306
Str: 198
Def: 216
Luck: 117
Gold: 170
Exp: 375
Its attack affects all four statuses. It is the strongest of all the Dollon. Special attacks: All Status

Drops: Emel x30 Emel x30 Honey Limurian Shroom
Ys6-Birandi (Mimic) Birandi (Mimic) LV: 38
HP: 273/464/628
Str: 217
Def: 241
Luck: 158
Gold: 180
Exp: 385
The mimicking form of Birandi. This form is stronger than its true self.

Note: This form is visible when Adol does not have the Rainbow Fragment equipped.

Drops: Emel x150 Herb
Ys6-Ghargil Ghargil LV: 38
HP: 193/328/444
Str: 217
Def: 203
Luck: 157
Gold: 180
Exp: 385
Ghargil has high attack strength. Be sure not to get surrounded by a horde of these bug monsters.

Note: Appears in Mythos Path exit on Hard/Nightmare mode only.

Drops: Emel x150 Wild Fowl Meat
HP: Normal/Hard/Nightmare
Descriptions taken from the PSP version of Ys VI, as the PC version does not have a bestiary.
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Image Name Stats Description
Ys6-Noodollon Noodollon LV: 40
HP: 1610/2737/3703
Str: 223 *
Def: 211
Luck: 206
Gold: 200
Exp: 405
A giant Dollon slime found in the depths of Limewater Cave. Maelstrom magic is effective against him.

Drops: Emel x30 Emel x30 Emel x30
HP: Normal/Hard/Nightmare
Descriptions taken from the PSP version of Ys VI, as the PC version does not have a bestiary.
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