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Ys Wiki
Ys 8 Little Paro Little Paro: "Found Adol! Found Aron! Who is Aron?"
This article translated content that has not received an official localization.
The content of this article may be changed in the future if an official localization is released.


Image Name Description
Ys5-Vine Vine Vine monster that pulls in its prey and uses their blood to heal itself.

Drop items: Apple, Sapphire
Ys5-Spider Spider Arachnid that shoots webs at their prey.

Drop items: Sapphire, Apple

Note: Inflicts poison
Pit - Rock wall
Ys5-Vine Vine Vine monster that spreads its explosive spores to attack its prey.

Drop items: Apple
Ys5-Crab 2 Crab Hard-shelled enemies that need to be attacked from the side. They shoot a jet stream of water from their mouth to attack their enemies.

Drop items: Pearl, Black Pearl
Jungle Pit
Ys5-Whirlwind Whirlwind Gusts of whirlwind that blow all the time in the pit of the jungle. They cannot be damaged or defeated.
Ys5-Wasp Wasp They fly around and attack their enemies ceaselessly.
Ys5-Crab 2 Crab Hard-shelled enemies that need to be attacked from the side. They shoot a jet stream of water from their mouth to attack their enemies.

Drop items: Pearl, Black Pearl
Ys5-Sylph Sylph They fly around and attack enemies with whirlwinds or air blades.

Drop items: Pearl
Ys5-Guardian Guardian A magical being that hinders Adol's progression. He summons meteors to attack Adol and teleports away when he is attacked.
Not official names, as Ys V does not include a bestiary.


Image Name Description
Ys5-Azort Azort to be filled out
Not official names, as Ys V does not include a bestiary.
