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Ys Wiki


Image Name Stats Description
Ys4-Labadi Labadi LV: 15
HP: 206
Str: 99
Def: 52
Gold: 8
Exp: 23
Wk: Pierce
A small bat that moves in swarms. Restrains its foes with eerie ultrasonic waves before attacking from above.

Drop Item: Damaged Hide Sturdy Hide Axe Tail
Ys4-Vesbiwar Vesbiwar LV: 17
HP: 447
Str: 183
Def: 66
Gold: 0
Exp: 190
Wk: None
A giant spider that has multiplied deep within the cave. As a group, they spit sticky silk to capture prey, and then devour it until only bone remains.
File:Ys4-Vesbilizon.jpg Vesbilizon HP: 30
Str: 562
Def: 252
Gold: 463
Exp: 115
Wk: None
A giant deep crimson spider that reproduces at an alarming rate. Captures prey using an acidic, sticky web and devours it as a group.
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