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Ys Wiki


Image Name Stats Description
Ys4-Togone Togone LV: 51
HP: 805
Str: 548
Def: 332
Gold: 471
Exp: 1253
Wk: None
Has the face of a male demon and represents the repulsive side of humanity. Pulverizes the heads of its foes with its powerful jaw.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Red Stone Green Stone
Ys4-Sonarm Sonarm LV: 51
HP: 705
Str: 382
Def: 264
Gold: 477
Exp: 1649
Wk: None
A strange creature with the face of a female demon. Spits a rainbow-colored gas which steals the energy of those it touches.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Blue Stone Yellow Stone
Ys4-Sidgodde Sidgodde LV: 51
HP: 1200
Str: 548
Def: 827
Gold: 474
Exp: 1727
Wk: None
A bronze pedestal modeled on a woman with wings. Shoots light arrows from the eye on its lower half to repel intruders.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Purple Stone
Ys4-Totoankh Totoankh LV: 52
HP: 1410
Str: 498
Def: 303
Gold: 488
Exp: 2172
Wk: None
Object that warps through space and patrols the area. Fires controllable magic bullets to crush its targets.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Iron Ore
Ys4-Shehazask Shehazask LV: 52
HP: 940
Str: 561
Def: 303
Gold: 488
Exp: 1647
Wk: None
An armored knight with claws in both hands. Can cut enemies in half in addition to firing magical spheres that compress space.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Silver Ore
Ys4-Vezfes Vezfes LV: 51
HP: 1100
Str: 431
Def: 187
Gold: 462
Exp: 1312
Wk: None
An eerie statue with three faces. Each of the faces uses different kinds of magic based on the weather in the surrounding area.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Silver Ore
Ys4-Galba-Muva Galba-Muva LV: 51
HP: 617
Str: 618
Def: 264
Gold: 134
Exp: 1312
Wk: None
Virtual image of a living weapon, created from records of an ancient battle. Fires small bombs to cover the surrounding area in blue flames.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Red Stone
Ys4-Rudogodde Rudogodde LV: 53
HP: 1440
Str: 400
Def: 554
Gold: 500
Exp: 1802
Wk: None
A golden pedestal modeled on a woman with wings. Fires orbs of light to repel intruders.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Gold Ore
Ys4-Nel-Vesbye Nel-Vesbye LV: 53
HP: 2620
Str: 480
Def: 261
Gold: 500
Exp: 3614
Wk: None
A giant spider created from records of the past. Captures its prey with strong, sticky silk.
Ys4-Nel-Beever Nel-Beever LV: 53
HP: 1760
Str: 334
Def: 329
Gold: 500
Exp: 2653
Wk: None
An aquatic monster created from records of the past. Possesses sharp claws that make it particularly dangerous when it attacks as part of a group.
Ys4-Nel-Situ Nel-Situ LV: 52
HP: 2450
Str: 611
Def: 415
Gold: 500
Exp: 4218
Wk: None
An armored knight created from records of the past. Suppresses its enemies using beams of light from its eyes and its powerful axe.
Ys4-Nel-Plera Nel-Plera LV: 53
HP: 2010
Str: 425
Def: 415
Gold: 500
Exp: 2273
Wk: None
A demi-human created from records of the past. Attacks in groups using a combination of arrows and knives.
Ys4-Zenoranpa Zenoranpa LV: 50
HP: 637
Str: 602
Def: 258
Gold: 464
Exp: 1313
Wk: None
Armored soldier that patrols Iris' Central Area. Spins a spear at high speeds around its feet to repel its enemies.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Black Stone
Ys4-Jadelos Jadelos HP: 3360
Str: 981
Def: 410
Gold: 525
Exp: 11856
Wk: None
An armored cavalier created by the Akashic Records for protection. Guards the Central Area, and is regulated by the Mask of the Sun.

Drop Item: Strange Mass Starlight Stone
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Image Name Stats Description
Ys4-boss-Eldeel Eldeel LV: 48
HP: 27700
Str: 683
Def: 327
Gold: 0
Exp: 65459
Wk: None
Black-Winged God - Eldeel

The other 'persona' dwelling within Eldeel. Brandishes a long, jet-black spear and seeks to give humanity numerous trials to overcome.
Ys4-boss-Girguzalm Girguzalm LV: 53
HP: 33000
Str: 742
Def: 369
Gold: 0
Exp: 39674
Wk: None
Bronze Colossus - Girguzalm

Ancient knight that guards the Bronze Area. Its giant sword can cut through anything, and it carves up those who approach until nothing remains.
Ys4-boss-Zerivutz Zerivutz LV: 53
HP: 33000
Str: 778
Def: 361
Gold: 0
Exp: 39674
Wk: None
Silver Colossus - Zerivutz

Ancient knight that guards the Silver Area. Its core is made of highly condensed magic, allowing it to cast extremely powerful spells.
Ys4-boss-Bulaghoul Bulaghoul LV: 53
HP: 43000
Str: 742
Def: 396
Gold: 0
Exp: 39674
Wk: None
Golden Colossus - Bulaghoul

Ancient knight that guards the Gold Area. Its fists have power beyond human recognition, allowing it to pulverize all intruders.
Ys4-boss-Akasha-Glyph Akasha-Glyph LV: 55
HP: 70600
Str: 625
Def: 299
Gold: 0
Exp: 97823
Wk: None
False God of Casuality - Akasha-Glyph

The result of Gruda absorbing the contents of the Akashic Records through his extreme tenacity. Has the ability to rewrite the world at will.
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