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Graffiti (落書き?) are old scrawlings found in various locations throughout Balduq in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.

They can be examined and reported to Professor Vallin, the anthropologist, to earn various rewards. In addition to offering valuable insights on the past, certain special graffiti will bolster the Monstrums' stats when examined.

Special Types of Graffiti[]

Map of Balduq with all graffiti

Map of Balduq with all graffiti location marked

List of Graffiti[]

Main Gates[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
Master Chatelard is Gllia's pride and joy above anyone else! Honor be to the Hieroglyph Knights! Normal
As the sylvan bird retires to its nest, the fieldborn flowers retreat into slumber. Goodnight, my darling babe, swaddled in the gleam of the stars above... May your dreams be ever sweet.
Throw those Monstrums into the clink! They deserve it for disturbing the peace!

Central District[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
Alright, fess up! Who keeps leaving footprints on the side of my house!? Normal
Where plain sight may fail, the mind's eye can serve to reveal the way ahead.
O, Your Magnificence, Your Majesty the King of our beloved land of Gllia-- Not a day passes by where I do not pray for the eternal prosperity of your glorious reign.
Pendleton's just a herd of capitalist swine! Money, money, money is all they care about!
Belger--you cantankerous lout! Let those Monstrums go already!
Here lieth the might of the Hawk-- Soar unbound in the endless blue, that even the most season of soldiers tremble in thy wake.

A mysterious power wells up within Credo's body.
Hawk's SRT and DEF have increased by 3!

Credo: Kahaha! Sounds like a good deal to me.

Agricultural District[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
The gold-stained glow of the cresting dawn, the songbirds' chirps, the waking trees, the grand Loir River's majestic gleam... Truly is our world abrim with delight! Normal


Quoted Text Graffiti Type
Mind the gap around here. You wouldn't want to slide down. Normal
Skeptical eyes, look elsewhere-- Only through inner sight can this device be perceived.
A curse upon whomever reads this! A jinx!!! A hex!!! A pox!!! A plague!!! OoOooooO!!! Curse
Here lieth the might of the White Cat-- Canter up to the heavens above, and become the claws that rend judgment upon the corrupt.

A mysterious power wells up within Krysha's body.
White Cat's STR and DEF have increased by 3!

Krysha: I-I don't really get how, but...it feels like I've gotten a teensy bit stronger.

Main Square[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
Pile the kindling and stoke the flame!!! Every invader will burn in hell!! Curse
I don't particularly care for Romn, but their baths are to die for. I could practically spend the rest of my life in here. Normal
To the Lady in Black,
If it hadn't been for you, I would have dropped to my doom here! Thank you--I owe you my life!
My best bro used to be the coolest guy in town. But after a run-in with the Hawk, he's nothing but a shell of a man now! I'll never forgive you for this, you birdbrained bastard!
O, Doll, elegant and divine, won't you please star in my latest production? I beg of you on a bended knee--show yourself before me!
I'm a thief at the end of my rope-- How 'bout a lil' game before I go?

First to search the base of the tree by the amphitheater wins.
After one hundred long years hath the dawn at last broken o'er us. Tho' by immeasurable bloodshed it hath been paid, we have seized the banned of victory. Raise the cry of triumph! Let our exultant refrain ring for the valorous souls we've lost!

Hieroglyph Commandery[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
My friend was imprisoned on false charges... Just who do those knights think they are!? Normal

Artisan Lane[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
Way to go, Crimson King! Keep on bringing Balduq the mayhem it deserves! Normal
I'm a thief at the end of my rope-- Think you can outsteal me? You're welcome to try.

Go to the Agricultural District-- The grass is greenest in the most fragrant corner of the fence.
One of these days, I'll outdo you, you stubborn old goat! Then we'll see who the real master is!
The blacksmith family is cursed!
Why do I have to be the only sad sack in a sea of happy saps!? All I want is for every single person alive to be more of a miserable wretch than me! Is that so much to ask!? Curse
That hostess at the Dandelion is the cutest girl I've ever seen! Maybe they can hire me as a host to even it out... Normal
Come, raise our hammers--for the stones we break shall build our homes! Come, line the logs--for the stones they convey shall become our ramparts!

In the sweat of labor lies our pride as countrymen!
I'm an honorable soldier of the Romun army. I mustn't harbor such illicit feelings, and yet... Ohh, my cutesy widdle White Cat! What'll it take for me to win you over!? Just one touch of your tail is all I want!

Krysha: M-My tail!? Just what is this guy into...?

Entertainment District[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
The men go to hunt their quarry, the women their bread to bake. The night continues to heal the weary who frolick to celebrate. Normal
I'm a thief at the end of my rope-- If it's money you want, it's yours.

Search the base of the tree guarding over the guards in the southwest part of town.

Think I'm crazy, will they...? Why bother asking for help...? They'll never come... Aaah... This veil of darkness... It consumes me... Curse
Here lieth the might of the Raging Bull-- Deliver the people to salvation, an aegis to smite those wicked who would imperil them.

A mysterious power wells up within Yufa's body.
Raging Bull's STR and DEF have increased by 3!

Yufa: Not really sure how that worked, but hey, I'll take it!

Prison Outskirts[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
Seeing the Renegade go by gets me all fired up every time! Screw the Hieroglyph Church! It's Nors all the way for me! Normal
I hereby entrust the might of my sword within this seal. Rise, valiant hero; carry forth that which precedes thee, and prosper!

A mysterious power wells up within Adol's body.
Crimson King's STR and DEF have increased by 3!

Noble District[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
Oh, Carla... You can't put a price on my feelings for you. But you'd never spare them a single coin... So I'll carve them here for free instead. Normal
Day after day doth the air resound with valiant hoofbeats and clanging swords. Come--let us sing a song of victory in hopes it'll herald our triumphant return.
Come and join the dancing plague, till of your limbs lose control, till each and every bone does ache, till down you fall and rest your soul. Curse
Here lieth the might of the Renegade-- By superior wisdom and cunning alike shall the tides of battle turn to your whim.

A mysterious power wells up within Jules's body.
Renegade's STR and DEF have increased by 3!

Jules: What is this, exactly? Well, as long as I've gotten stronger, I suppose I can't complain.

Cultural Heritage Site[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
I'm a thief at the end of my rope-- I leave to you my parting gift.
Dig north of the stairs closest to the prison's gates.
The devil whispers of paradise, yet what awaits is but dystopia. Close your ears, clench your teeth, shut your eyes, and bide your time, and perhaps you'll live to see the light.

Balduq Cemetery[]

Quoted Text Graffiti Type
To the beauty of the windowsill-- Hold fast your loyalty to King and country and lock up your yearning that cannot be. You need not shed another tear again. Normal
By this seal shall the pure soul within the vessel of the Doll be empowered. Should you happen to read this, I bid you accept its bestowal.

A mysterious power wells up within Anemona's body.
Doll's STR and DEF have increased by 3!

Anemona: My prowess appears to have been enhanced. Though how, I cannot say...


Found by Prisoner Adol, does not count towards the total graffiti asked by Vallin.

Quoted Text
Only corpses manage to get out from here.

Abandon all hopes and dreams, ye who know what's good for you.
Complex layouts... Small, unopenable rooms... The underground sector is full of mysteries.

Even for us guards, this prison is mystifying beyond all reason...

Faded Graffiti[]

Found during Side quest #19: A Legend of Heroes, does not count towards the total graffiti asked by Vallin.

Quoted Text
With the coming of the godsent Saint nears the end of this interminable war.

None can know who will prevail. Thus do we carve our marks in this land whilst yet we can.

May every step we take beside Her and her companions ever linger upon this soil.
--The Holy Swordsman (Main Square)
As I wavered to and fro o'er the threshold betwixt life and death, I found myself spared from oblivion by two fairest among maidens.

One, a quartermaster tasked with conveying provisions to the liberation forces--the other a chief nurse dubbed the "Angel of Gllia."

Alas, beauteously on the battlefield as these flowers doth bloom, a knight such as I must lay duty to the sword above all.

Ah, woe betide me! I'd scarcely intended to break their hearts so, yet even still do they sigh, forlorn...(Agricultural District)
Our moment of reckoning approaches... The Saint has made her rounds, offering word and ear to each and every solder.

The aide-de-camp's bitter truth--that many will not return--escapes beneath his breath. Still, to the throes of death shall we fight at Her side.

Thus, I swear by my Holy Blade to stand, bulwark and shield, before my comrades--even if doing so should forfeit this body to rot in obscurity. (Artisan Lane)
Amidst my comrades stands two perpetually at odds: the vanguard commander and our stripling chief of staff.

One, a cullionly lout--the other, a currish cynic. Ne'er do hurl'd indignities end, should in the tavern they happen upon one another.

And yet--none have I seen so met in measure of devotion as they. O, vexation! May the tides of drink wash it away after next battle's end! (Hieroglyph Commandery)


# Found Reward
11 Ys9-Grimoire Swift Grimoire
22 Ys9-Aeolus Urn Aeolus Urn
33 Ys9-Costume Melty Red
44 Ys9-Spirit Elixir Spirit Elixir