Geelzebub (ゲルゼブブ ) is a boss in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.
- The name Geelzebub is a reference to Beelzebub, the "Lord of the Flies".
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Geelzebub (ゲルゼブブ?) is a boss in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Bosses |
Chapter Bosses |
Maretudo - Dragia Haman - Malefious - Regirania - Avalodragil - Rene-Nygtilger - Ostroflambe - Master Chatelard - Atra Nox Philius - Anima Ergastulum |
Mid Bosses |
Geelzebub - Glemandy - Rene-Vagullion - Mes Bellator - Sectocanom - Condemned Norns - E-Mes Bellator - Chimeral Bourdon - Chimeral Roussillon - Chimeral Chard III |
Others |
Egg of Draupnir - Vakh Medios (hidden boss) |