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Dark Shrine is the final dungeon in Ys: The Oath in Felghana. It is situated on the Genos Island. The dungeon is crawled with the hardest enemies in the game, including some strong undead enemies that cannot be slayed. Adol need to adventure through the dungeon to find the Silver Chimes before he can killed these enemies. Although the dungeon is named Dark Shrine, the dungeon is mainly made up by corridors that eventually leads to the shrine itself, which serve as the boss room.

Right after Adol landed on Genos Island, he will be greeted by Dularn before the entrance of Dark Shrine. After defeating them, their identity will be revealed. After Adol went through the dungeon, he will find Garland at the shrine. Defeating him opens up an elevator that takes Adol to the Seat of Evil, the final boss room.

Seat of Evil

Seat of Evil


# Image Name Stats Description
58 Ys3-Keratros Keratros LV: 43
HP: 502
Str: 233
Def: 233
Gold: 42
Exp: 219
A subspecies of kayron which crossed over to Genos Island long ago. Galbalan's influence made it small, but it is not to be taken lightly.
59 Ys3-Balzarl Balzarl LV: 44
HP: 512
Str: 235
Def: 231
Gold: 240
Exp: 390
A more powerful barl. Has two eyes, so is much better at accurately striking its prey. Still only a slight improvement, however.
60 Ys3-Doonos Doonos LV: 45
HP: 632
Str: 248
Def: 251
Gold: 156
Exp: 413
A strange creature from the old days of Galbalan possessing only a head. Rarely moves, but can fire a powerful beam of energy from its one eye.
61 Ys3-Skull-Alnada Skull-Alnada LV: 46
HP: 590
Str: 251
Def: 247
Gold: 166
Exp: 394
An immortal skeletal warrior, like the ones that ravaged Genos Island twelve years ago. Rises from the dead after a short time.
Note: Cannot be killed without Silver Chimes equipped
62 Ys3-Skull-Magiste Skull-Magiste LV: 46
HP: 532
Str: 247
Def: 230
Gold: 160
Exp: 394
An immortal sorcerer, constantly rising from the dead. Animated by corrupted spirits, and utilizes numerous black arts in combat.
Note: Cannot be killed without Silver Chimes equipped
63 Ys3-Machvariese Machvariese LV: 47
HP: 703
Str: 260
Def: 260
Gold: 180
Exp: 424
A foul tree grown from Galbalan's evil. Fires bursts of sap which descend to the ground with explosive force. Not to be trifled with.
64 Ys3-Levynade Levynade LV: 48
HP: 680
Str: 262
Def: 253
Gold: 200
Exp: 456
A grotesque mystery. Strongest foe in the shrine, and lords that strength over its peers. Deadly even if fought one-on-one.
77 Ys3-boss-Dularn-2 Dularn LV: ???
HP: 4000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Dularn - The Tragic Loyalist

The sorcerer returns for a final battle on Genos Island. In the end, her true identity was that of Sister Nell. Repented on her deathbed for the many atrocities she committed in Nikolas Garland's name.
78 Ys3-boss-garland Garland LV: ???
HP: 5000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Garland - The Dark Bishop

The apostate ringleader of the disaster in Felghana. He was once a pious man, dedicated to the holy church, but a chance encounter with the great power in the Illburns Ruins drove him to insane zealotry.
79 Galbalan Galbalan LV: ???
HP: 6000
Str: ???
Def: ???
Gold: ???
Exp: ???
Galbalan - Sinister Marauder From Afar

The great demon of legend. Was once bested by the fabled warrior, Genos, bringing his dreams of destruction to an end. He was later revived by Garland, but Adol was able to take him down.
Stats based on Normal difficulty
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