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Dandelion is a location in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox. It is the base of operation and hideout of the Monstrums and functions similar to Castaway Village in Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Many actions can be done here including shopping, receiving side quests, exchange for materials, cooking, revisit a raid, etc. It is the default warp location in the game.


It was a bar before Adol's visit. But it went out of business in 23 AC, and has been abandoned ever since. When Adol escaped from Balduq Prison as Crimson King, he hides in the basement of the bar. Later Dogi regrouped with him and reopens the bar as a hideout for Monstrums with the help of Carla Pendleton.

Carla hires Chante as the manager and Yufa as the hostess of the bar.

When Berger investigate Chante about Monstrums spotted in the bar, Chante claims that it was a marketing gimmicks, that they dress up their staffs as Monstrums to server their customers.

Side Quests[]

Side quest #8 – Prison Rescue    
Location Dandelion Client Parks
Priority 3 Deadline Short
Destination West Dumping Ground
Balduq Prison
Target Inmate
Availability Chapter 4 Type Rescue
Reward Gold 2500 Gold
Contents (The following solicitation was posted in private, away from the eyes of the average patron.)

It's come to my attention that another inmate at Balduq Prison has been wrongfully convicted.

Though I'm sure you and the other Monstrums are busy enough, I'd like to request help from anyone willing to spare it. Come to see me in the basement for details.
Note: Prisoner Side Quest 1
Iris joins Dandelion
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Side quest #14 – Prison Liberation    
Location Dandelion Client Parks
Priority 3 Deadline Short
Destination East Depth
Estatte Road
Target Inmate
Availability Chapter 5 Type Rescue
Reward Gold 5000 Gold
Contents (The following solicitation was posted in private, away from the eyes of the average patron.)

It's come to my attention that yet another inmate at Balduq Prison has been wrongfully convicted.

I'd like to ask for everyone's assistance in rescuing them. Come talk to me for more details.
Note: Prisoner Side Quest 2
Lucien joins Dandelion
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Side quest #17 – All That Glitters    
Location Dandelion Client Saradhi
Priority 2 Deadline Short
Destination Decrepit Underpass Target
Availability Chapter 5, after Yufa joins the party Type Battle
Reward Golden Gloves Golden Gloves
Contents Saradhi dropped by the Dandelion with some medicine she said might help with our fatigue.

Something seems a bit off about this...
Note: Saradhi joins Dandelion
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Side quest #20 – Tobacoo To Go    
Location Dandelion Client Inmate 906
Priority 3 Deadline Short
Destination Balduq Prison - Special Sector Target Inmate 906
Availability Chapter 6 Type Delivery
Reward Gold 6000 Gold
Contents (The following solicitation was posted in private, away from the eyes of the average patron.)

I've been longing for a taste of home after all this time. Could you deliver a premium Gllian cigar to me?

Make sure the Monstrums deliver it in person.
Note: Margot joins Dandelion
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Side quest #26 – Iris of the Storm    
Location Dandelion Client Parks
Priority 2 Deadline Short
Destination Noble District Target Iris
Availability Chapter 7 Type Investigation
Reward Empusa's Gloves Empusa's Gloves
Contents Iris is all by herself, with the gravest look on her face. Maybe we should go and see what's on her mind...
Note: Initiated by speaking with Iris
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Side quest #29 – Peril of the Bells    
Location Dandelion Client M.
Priority 2 Deadline Short
Destination Main Gates
Central District
Main Square
Cloaca Maxima
Target Kiosk Attendant
Availability Chapter 8 Type Investigation / Battle
Reward Full Potion Full Potion
Contents (The following two solicitations were posted in private, away from the eyes of the average patron.)

Time is drawing nigh.
The Bells of Freedom have finally begun to toll.
Any objection? Do something about it, then.

So, uh... Yeah. About this note. I was thinking anyone with some time on their hands could help take care of it. Come and see me if that ends up applying to you.
Note: Speak with Dogi to start the side quest.
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Side quest #32 – Wanted: Drolls    
Location Dandelion Client Dogi
Priority 1 Deadline Medium
Destination Groaning Grotto Target Droll
Availability Chapter 9, after returning to Dandelion Type Wanted Mission
Reward Blood Fang Blood Fang
Contents A group of Drolls showed up in the beast enclosure. Y'know, the one under the prison, near the Groaning Grotto?

Prison or not, I doubt Aprilis would just turn a blind eye to this if she were here. Can I count on you guys to take care of it?

Report to me once you've gotten rid of all of them.
Note: Can be completed at the same time with Side quest #31 – Prison Infriltration
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Side quest #36 – Final Dispossession    
Location Dandelion Client Anonymous
Priority 2 Deadline Short
Destination Prison - Alchemy Lab Target Homunculus
Availability Final Chapter Type Battle
Reward Warlord Elixir Warlord Elixir
Contents I'd like for you to dispose of the legacy Master Chatelard has left behind.

Ask Chante for details.
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Side quest #37 – Belger's Request    
Location Dandelion Client Belger
Priority 1 Deadline Short
Destination Estatte Road
Entertainment District
Target Lemures
Availability Final Chapter, after returning to Dandelion for the first time Type Battle
Reward Gold 15000 Gold
Contents Mysterious beasts have been stalking Estatte Road as of late.

I'd like to dispose of them right away, but as it stands, we've no men from the garrison to spare at the moment. I therefore request their extermination from anyone skilled enough to do so.
Note: Credo will be forced into the active party mid-quest, and temporary left the party after that. Returning to the city will trigger the cutscene and fight with Berserker. He will revive twice after his HP is almost deleted.

The fight with Berserker will be a one-on-one fight with Adol, so make sure he is well-equipped.

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Side quest #40 – Wanted: Bualadh-Orgh    
Location Dandelion Client Aprilis
Priority 1 Deadline Short
Destination Keening Highlands Target Bualadh-Orgh
Availability Final Chapter, after Aprilis joins Dandelion Type Wanted Mission
Reward Crystal Shield Crystal Shield
Contents A Bualadh-Orgh has appeared somewhere within the Keening Highlands.

We would be remiss to leave it as it is. Thus, I ask that you assist me by subduing it.

Report to me once you've found success in your efforts. I shall be waiting at the Dandelion.
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Decrepit Underpass[]

Name Stats Description
Ys9-Moorgarth Moorgarth LV: 25
HP: 504
Str: 237
Def: 214
Gold: 8
Exp: 168
Wk: Slash
Massive larvae with a taste for rotting human flesh above all else. They use their sharp red rongues to assault prospective prey.

Drop items: Light Shell Thick Hide Sturdy Shell
Ys9-Gloggury Gloggury LV: 28
HP: 421
Str: 266
Def: 683
Gold: 10
Exp: 254
Wk: Strike
A large species of gastropod. They retreat within themselves in order to trample prey with their spike-adorned shells.

Drop items: Light Shell Sturdy Shell Anguished Tear
Ys9-Dunpede Dunpede LV: 16
HP: 1840
Str: 144
Def: 405
Gold: 32
Exp: 431
Wk: None
Gigantic bugs equipped with countless legs and a hard carapace. In addition to their sharp, scythe-like limbs, they can also roll up into balls to charge at their prey.

Drop items: Sturdy Shell Thick Hide Ultradense Bone
Note: Dunpede appears as Lv. 30 in the Side quest #17: All That Glitters
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