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Cloaca Maxima is the second dungeon in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox. The dungeon can be entered before Adol recruited White Cat; however, its entrance is blocked with a vertical wall that requires White Cat's gift to traverse.

The section north of Boss room is accessed in the prologue, where Maretudo is fought in the same boss room as Dragia Haman.


Map of Cloaca Maxima

Map of Cloaca Maxima

  • Chest #1: Gold 300 Gold
  • Chest #2: White Nut White Nut x2
  • Chest #3: Black Fig Black Fig x2
  • Chest #4: Grimoire Star Grimoire
  • Chest #5: Shield Earring Shield Earring
  • Chest #6: Sweet Remedy Sweet Remedy x3
  • Chest #7: Razor Claw Razor Claw x2
  • Chest #8: Blade Ring Blade Ring
  • Chest #9: Gold 600 Gold
  • Chest #10: Rise Potion Rise Potion
  • Chest #11: Gold 300 Gold
  • Chest #12: Marl Flower Marl Flower x2
  • Chest #13: Warrior Seal Warrior Seal
  • Chest #14: Copper Ore Copper Ore x4
  • Chest #15: Panacea Panacea
  • Chest #16: Black Fig Black Fig x2
  • Shadow Mantle Shadow Mantle after defeating Glemandy
  • Landmark: Stream of Soothing Light
  • marks location that need to use Crimson King's Crimson Line.
  • marks location that need to use White Cat's Heaven's Run.


Name Stats Description
Ys9-Plutoad Plutoad LV: 7
HP: 111
Str: 55
Def: 55
Gold: 3
Exp: 13
Wk: Slash
The larval stage of an amphibious monster. They relentlessly seek sources of fresh meat to sate their rapid development.

Drop items: Faint Drop Thin Hide Dark Drop
Ys9-Anxigas Anxigas LV: 5
HP: 95
Str: 52
Def: 24
Gold: 2
Exp: 5
Wk: Slash
A type of protozoan slime mold. They spread their spores by aimlessly shooting them in balls of fluid siphoned from the large amounts of water stored within their bodies.

Drop items: Faint Drop Thin Hide
Ys9-Cuhanni Cuhanni LV: 10
HP: 1180
Str: 81
Def: 166
Gold: 20
Exp: 105
Wk: Strike
A massive species of crab with a tough outer shell. Their tenacious claws and foaming bubble breath prove instrumental in cornering their victims.

Drop items: Sturdy Shell Razor Claw White Meat
Side quest #10: Wanted: Maretudos
Ys9-Maretudo Maretudo LV: 27
HP: 2770
Str: 232
Def: 227
Gold: 332
Exp: 3474
Wk: None
Enormous toads found traveling in a group. They intimidate prey with their massive bodies before finishing them off with their sharp tongues.
Side quest #30: A Fool and Her Treasure...
Ys9-Zea-Grautney Zea-Grautney LV: 58
HP: 8940
Str: 674
Def: 419
Gold: 192
Exp: 7523
Wk: None
An advanced form of Grautney that feeds upon the most repulsive of materials. They are capable neither of knowing when their appetites are sated nor of actually eating their fills to begin with.

Drop items: Midnight Sun Drop Luminescent Fluid Polar Night Drop
Ys9-Exceflude Exceflude LV: 59
HP: 7800
Str: 601
Def: 815
Gold: 1437
Exp: 20971
Wk: None
Nefludes driven past the brink of insanity. They use their massive bodies to pulverize their prey, drenching them in despair.

Drop items: Polar Night Drop Bloodshot Tear Relic Bone
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Name Stats Description
Ys9-Maretudo Maretudo LV: 4
HP: 4560
Str: 30
Def: 46
Exp: 130
Wk: None
Wicked Toad of the Underdarin - Maretudo

A gigantic, malformed toad that lurks in the underdrain. It intimidates prey with its massive body before finishing them off with its sharp tongue.
Chapter 2
Ys9-Glemandy Glemandy LV: 9
HP: 3790
Str: 74
Def: 99
Exp: 1017
Wk: None
Seething Pincer Beast - Glemandy

An indignant beast with abnormally developed claws and fangs. It bounds about the battlefield, rapidly shredding its victims to pieces.
Ys9-Dragia-Haman Dragia Haman LV: 11
HP: 6770
Str: 113
Def: 834
Exp: 1694
Wk: None
Draconic Sledge-Magus - Dragia Haman

An archaic monster wielding a gigantic mallet. It possesses a wide repertoire of techniques, using its overwhelming strength to pulverize all who appear before it.
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