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Roussillon (ルーション?) was the bishop who administered the inquisition against Saint Rosvita at the end of the Hundred Years' War. He was later turned into a chimera, known as Chimeral Roussillon (キメラ・ルーション?), by Zola and was imprisoned in the Heretic's Jail of Balduq Prison.


At the end of Hundred Years' War, Bishop Roussillon put Saint Rosvita on trial and sentenced her to be burned on the stake. According to public knowledge, he did so under orders of the king of Britai. But as confirmed by Aprilis, he was actually ordered to do so by the Gllian King, Chard III, who was jealous of Saint Rosvita's stature. Roussillon was imprisoned by the Gllian royal family to keep this a secret.

When Zola found him, he turned him into a chimera out of revenge, with the intent of making him suffer for eternity. When the Monstrums meet his chimera form during the events of Ys IX: Monstrum Nox, he shows some remorse and pleads for his death. After being defeated he thanks the Monstrums, though he does not recognize them or Aprilis.

