Andre (アンドレ ) is the Valestein Castle's gatekeeper. He can't stand the sense of confinement that comes with wearing a helmet, so he avoids it whenever possible. Likes to goof off on the job a little too much.
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Andre (アンドレ?) is the Valestein Castle's gatekeeper. He can't stand the sense of confinement that comes with wearing a helmet, so he avoids it whenever possible. Likes to goof off on the job a little too much.
Ys: The Oath in Felghana Characters |
Mainstay Characters |
Adol Christin - Dogi |
Secondary Characters |
Redmont Town Elena Stoddart - Sister Nell - Father Jean Pierre - Edgar - Gardner - Margo - Joel - Adonis - Cynthia - Randolph - Antonio - Aida - Anya - Lochus - Harold - Fiona - Hugo - Dewey - Ricardo - Paul Valestein Castle |
Antagonists |
Dularn - Garland - Galbalan |