Alchemy (錬金術 ) is a discipline used in various parts of the world that involves transmutation, human replication and synthesis. Adol encounters this ancient art in some of his adventures.
Said to be originated from the Illusory City of Kefin, alchemy can be used to transmute metals that goes beyond simple blacksmithing and bring people's memories and thoughts to life. Nevertheless, it needs a power source to enact these miracles.[1]
In Games[]
Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand[]
The alchemist Jabir found the Philosopher's Stone in the jungle of Xandria 500 years ago. Using its vast energy to power his alchemy, he brought great prosperity to Kefin. However, the Philosopher's Stone constantly drained life around it. This fact, coupled with Jabir's desire to take over the world, resulted in Kefin becoming a brutal dystopia that runs on regular human sacrifices. Other alchemists, seeing the threat that Kefin presents to the rest of the world, sealed Jabir and Kefin away in another dimension.
During the game, Adol can use alchemy magic by combining three elemental stones and his ultimate weapon in the game is the Isios Blade, which is made using the power of alchemy.
In the middle of the game, the seal on Kefin gets broken by the machinations of Dorman and Rizze, causing the ancient city to appear once again in the world, but Adol manages to destroy the Philosopher's Stone and bring an end to Jabir's wicked ambition. As the city ran on the power of the Philosopher's Stone, this act results in the city's destruction.
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox[]
Alchemy was widely researched in Gllia before the Hundred Years' War but faded into obscurity following widespread decrial by the skeptics. Nevertheless, one alchemist named Zola, in his efforts to revive Rosvita, managed to find the ways to bring thoughts and memories of the people to life and make clones of the living. Applying this knowledge and using the power of the Grimwald Nox, he created superhuman beings known as Monstrums. These Monstrums would go on to become the wardens of the Grimwald Nox, being replaced by the next generation of homunculi should any casualties occur.
Zola was also able to forge an alchemical life-form called chimera from souls of people with alchemy. Bishop Roussillon, Chard the 3rd, and General Bourdon were transmuted into these monsters, the first two as punishment for their roles in Rosvita's death and the last in order to obtain Chatelard's cooperation. Adol and his party encounter them as the guardians of Balduq Fortress of Yore.
Not satisfied with these results, Zola seeks to create a divine being by combining the influence of supernatural entities with the wisdom of the people around the world. To that end, he kidnaps Adol, who encountered many transcendental beings in his journeys, and extracts Adol's memories. Near the end of the game, he successfully constructs Atra Nox Philius. Unfortunately, Atra decides to destroy the entirety of Balduq as an answer to the Grimwald Nox and it takes combined efforts of all the Monstrums and Zola to defeat the man-made god.
- Given that the Clan of Darkness also utilizes homunculi as fairy-like artificial beings, it may be assumed that the Clan of Darkness can harness the power of alchemy.
- While it isn't specified, the Egg of Draupnir, the source of the Grimwald Nox, likely acted as a power source for Zola's alchemy just as the Philosopher's Stone did for Kefin's. This is reinforced by the fact that all monstrums lose their powers and become regular human beings after the egg's destruction.
- In the non-canon PS2 remake of Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand, the Eldeen named Aisha taught alchemy to humans of Kefin. It is currently unknown if alchemy has any connection to the Eldeen civilization in the official lore.